Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Inner Moving’s of Congress!

The last couple of weeks we have been able to watch up close and personal, the inner moving’s of our congress. The Ex Lax bill has to be close to the national debt by now, for this much crap to be spewed forth by so few people, they must be getting help, or have a medical problem. I do feel sorry for them employees of the DC Sanitation Dept.
Forget about representation, the only question now is what is your vote worth? Look at it this way, $300,000,000 for LA., and Nebraska S000,000.000,000 we don’t know. Yet, this one is open ended. I am beginning to feel left out here in MN. Our Senator’s Amy Klobuchar and Al Frankinstein. got nothing for their sell out. Unless, and this is only a rumor, Al and Amy, it is said, have Vote For Sale signs in front of their office doors. Again only a rumor. Forget about the constitutionally of what is being done there. They Don’t Care about no stinking Constitution, it is just an old dead bunch of words that needs to be changed, you know brought up to date. Just ask the fool who is said to be a constitutional lawyer and scholar, Mr B. Obama. We as people of this country need to forget about what made this country great. Freedom to excel in business, science, literature, whatever we choose, without government intervention or oversight. The things that are happening in DC these days are not close to what our founding fathers envisioned. What has been lost, let’s see We the People, according to DC. We represent the ill-informed lost lambs that need to be taken care of; We are just not smart enough to understand the tough choices that they have to make for us. We don’t or are unable to understand how this Health Care Reform or Cap and Trade or the taking control of private business is sooooo much better for us. We don’t understand that spending money We (that is you and me) don’t have is so much better for the country. Therefore, like small children, Mommy and Daddy, Pelosie and Reid must know so much more that we do (in their own minds). Let me elaborate by putting it another way. You weigh 680 lbs. and you say I need to lose a lot of this weight (debt) because it is not healthy, Mommy and Daddy say oh, don’t worry I have lunch here for you, 18 pecan pies with ice cream and whip cream and 24 double cheese burgers not to mention the soda’s at least a case but more if you want. That is just your midday snack. Sound nuts? Well Mommy and Daddy (hence forth Mommy & Daddy will refer to Pelosie & Ried) have us 12.4 trillion in debt and want to spend another 2.5 trillion we don’t have.
WE NEED TO GO ON A DIET, a starvation diet. Stop spending and printing money WE don’t have and as of right now have no way of getting without borrowing. The fools we have sent to represent us have lost their way and forgotten whom they work for. For that matter as of now, they don’t care whom they work for or what we what we think.
I have a proposal to put forth, Gee that sounds like I work for the government. I just threw my chest out, just realizing my self importance. Oh wait a minuet I don’t have any, self importance that is. Oh well so much for my career in politics. Back to my proposal.
I think we should or need to change a couple of names and I will explain.
The Senate, I think should be changed to the Bunny Ranch DC division. This in reference to that long standing establishment in Reid’s home state. Face it when you act like a pimp just calling a spade a spade. Hell he ain’t even a good pimp he’s paying everybody for what he wants, their vote. Let me correct that, We are paying for what he wants.
The House of Representative’s should be changed to The House of Happy Hookers with Madam Pelosie in charge, so she thinks anyway. The bottom line, We are getting F*%KED. Now before I start getting nasty emails. I don’t mean to disrespect the people in that oldest of all professions by comparing them to such lazy and dishonest people, those who have an overwhelming view of their self worth and own importance. By ignoring the wishes of the people who have made those wishes well known. Look at any poll that is out there. We are being told by their actions that we don’t matter or are not smart enough to understand what is best for us, our state, or our country. My response? BULL S&%T. I understand how to live on a budget, not an unlimited one but within my means, my earnings. How did increase my earnings? The same as every one of you, worked longer or harder. I did not have the ability to just raise or not pay taxes.
Who is responsible for this mess?
I am, yep me, how, by not being involved in what was going on in government. I was building a business and trying to give my family a better life. Little did I realize I was giving it away to a Mommy and Daddy, I didn’t even know.
I voted in every election, uneducated in who was running for office and what they stood for, much the same as every one else. Do I sound pissed? Well I am, at whom, ME, I did what I did and now it is up to me to do my part to get back what was given to me,
MY COUNTRY. This land and my freedoms were paid for by our armed forces, from the beginning and I got lazy. Am I pissed at any one else? Nope. People have to answer to themselves for what they have done. Some will continue to sit and let it happen.
I am looking forward to the time when I can say that I am proud of what my governor or senator or representative has done while in office. I look forward to a time when my representative looks forward to hearing from me as a constituent. I am tired of being ignored.
I don’t have any idea if that is important to you or not. This is not directed at anyone but me, you see I have to look at myself in the mirror and I need to be happy with what I did and stood for.
Lets face it I enjoy a good protest as much as the next guy or gal. Hey I grew up in the late 60’s and I remember. I just don’t believe that we have time for that. I also don’t believe that the protests are where the power is. The power is with a voice in who will run for office. The candidate that I will support is going to know my face and what I expect from him or her and also my name when I call. One other thing that person will be aware of
Do I rant about having the power and where it is? Yep. Do I think all of us here should be involved in our precincts Yep? Can I make that happen Nope, That is up to each one of us, I can’t and won’t drag anyone out to help. You are the one that will have to make that choice. All I know is that I will be able to look in the mirror and say I did my best.
Will I keep Ranting about involvement in your precinct? Let me put it this way, in Vegas odds are better than 1000 / 1 right now. They may go higher.
In another I put up this list, there are 3141 counties in the USA and there is an average of 4 precincts in each county, some more some less. That is 12,564 precincts in the country.
There were 1,500,000 people at the 9/12 in DC. Let’s just say that the number was actually 1,000,000 / 12,564 = 79.59 let say 80. That is an average of 80 people per precinct. It takes for the most part 5-10 to take over a precinct. Do you think we could control and remake the Republican Party with those numbers? The answer to that is Yes.
Can anyone become a delegate? Yes, but it will be up to you, your choice, your Country and it is all of our responsibility to regain, retake the land WE WERE GIVEN.
Later Lenny MN

To leanr about your precinct go to

Want to leard about your Constitution go here. There is about 7hrs. of video to watch in 43 different sections

And last but not least another place to Rant.

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